In light of the updated Government Guidance from 11/05/2020 and further clarification on symptoms from 18/05/2020, Winton is updating its notice regarding the service that it can continue to offer. Firstly, we would like to emphasise that we are ensuring that we meet as a minimum the current guidance measures to ensure the safety of our employees and customers alike. All of our team have been fully briefed on these existing government guidelines, including those relating to increased hand and respiratory hygiene and the requirement for them to of self-isolate if either they, or anyone they live with show any symptoms of the virus.

We will continue to monitor UK Government advice and will keep our employees and customers fully updated on the latest situation and advice available.

• “Travelling to and from work, where this work cannot be done from home” is applicable to businesses that are not on the Government list of those that must still remain closed.
• The type of business that Winton operates is not currently on the Government list of those that must be closed, therefore, unless governmental advice changes, we will continue to work as normally as possible, but taking into account the latest guidelines.
• The number of staff working in our office has been reduced where possible by them working from home. Where this has not been possible, we have rearranged our offices in order to ensure that social distancing exceeding the current guidelines is achievable.
• Work for our service engineers will be prioritised as follows*; 1) breakdowns – all businesses, 2) preventative maintenance requested by customers considered to be part of the essential businesses network, 3) other service work as long as Government guidance continues to permit it.
• Our workshop will continue to be operational but will be subject to changes in working practices to ensure at least the recommended distance between people of 2m is always achieved, this may mean some delays to build schedules but we will endeavour to minimise these.

Operating practices for our service engineers have been amended and these will continue to evolve in line with Government advice. Where required our service engineers will work in accordance within any local site measures** that may be imposed, but only where these are at least as stringent as those we are imposing;

• Our service engineers must, wherever possible, be able to maintain a minimum distance of at least 2m from others. Where a specific task dictates that it requires two people, such tasks will only be carried out in accordance with our risk assessment for 2 persons working together. This will follow Government advice and that of our H&S expert.
• For the foreseeable future our service engineers will not be asked to stay away from home overnight. Not staying overnight will in turn mean that our service engineers may be potentially working less hours on site in order to allow time to travel to and from site.
• Engineers will no longer hand over PDA’s for signatures on job sheets at the end of a job, instead they will simply ask for the site contact’s name and then sign it “pp” themselves.
*Unfortunately, service work will not be able to be carried out where our working criteria cannot be assured.
• **Where local site rules stipulate the use specific types of PPE relating to Covid-19 beyond Winton’s requirements, this will need to be provided by the customer.

As always, we are here to ensure that your on-vehicle power system is safe, legally compliant and will not let you down when you most need it. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us on 01483 770121 or

Andy Jones
Manging Director